Friday, April 3, 2009

just say HELLO!!

I've noticed that in the past week I've had some "out-of-towners" visit my blog. Maybe they really live in the same town I do but for this experiment I'm calling all people that don't know me or have just found my blog "out-of-towners". Just go with it! Grin and nod your head, people.

Please just say hello. I like visitors. Strike that. I LOVE visitors. I'm a people person. I may be shy at first meeting but I love being around people. I think that's why I enjoy blogging. It makes me feel like I'm talking to someone when my husband is at work and there are only children to talk to at my house. Kids are great, don't get me wrong. Some of my favorite conversations happen when I talk to my kids. The silly, off-the-wall, crazy things they say make me laugh! But sometimes it's so nice to have adult conversation. Say things that kids just don't get. That's not to say that I'm well-spoken by any means. I don't consider myself to be well-spoken in the least but I enjoy talking to adults.

Sometimes I think I say more than I need to. Just say hi people. That's all I ask. Thanks!


A Bunch of Roaches said...

Hi Brooke,

I must agree that adult conversation is sooooo nice when you are surrounded by cute little kids all day, and I also have to say I enjoy your blog.


Unknown said...

I am from SL.... But I say HELLO! Does that count?

Lara Phister said...

Here's a shout-out from Riverton! My kids can't waite for Saturday to see their "friends that are girls"!!

shauna said...

I just found your blog on Latter-day Home Schooling and after reading this post, how could I not say hello?

Hello from British Columbia... :)