Monday, February 28, 2011

Under Construction

Please be patient.  I am trying to reconstruct my blog.  My intentions were never to have this be anything more than my family blog but I've been getting a lot of questions and interest about other things such as clean eating and clean recipes. 

I would hate to bore those of you that are NOT interested in these things, or those that ARE interested but don't really care about the family side of this blog.  The best of both worlds, right? 

Anyway, I have lots to say and lots to blog but it might be a day or two.

Also, I have no idea what I'm doing so...... ;)  We'll see what happens!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sleep walking

Does every family have a sleep walker? 

I've never been a sleep walker or talker.  Just a whiner.  Sounds funny but it's true.  I whine in my sleep.  It's high pitched moan.  Sometimes I wake myself up, that's how I know I do it.  That and the fact that when Anthony and I first got married, he had a hard time sleeping with all the whining going on.  Now he's so used to it that he doesn't notice it anymore. 

We also have sleep talkers in our family.  They include Anthony, K, H, and C.  Usually Anthony's talking involves football or some other sport.  Just before the University of Utah's first game last year, as he was rolling onto his side one night, he said "Pittsburgh" clear as day.  The Utes opening game last season. 

K and H are mumblers so I never really know what they say.  Sometimes when I go to check on them at night I hear one of them talking but I can't make out what they are saying.  C yells... oh boy does he yell!  Usually he's yelling at one of his sisters and frequently says "MINE!"  He's so funny.

A is our sleep walker.  Not the type that walks around in the middle of the night and ends up in some random spot throughout the house.  That would be frightening!  Rather she is the potty walker. 

The kids go to bed a couple hours before Anthony and I do and even thought we make sure the kids use the restroom before going to bed, it's almost inevitable that A will make her way out at some point needing to go again.  Luckily it's usually before Anthony and I make it to bed. 

We always know when A needs to go... we hear her crying and whining in her room, then the door flies open and she frantically runs to where she thinks the bathroom is.  You can ask her a question at this time, such as, "Do you need to go potty?" and she'll almost always look at you with a blank, empty stare and say no..... as she does the potty dance. 

I have learned to stop whatever I am doing when I hear her fly out of her room.  In her delerious state, she frequently mistakes the office door or the hall closet for the bathroom door.  As funny as it is, I don't want to have to clean up a mess on the floor (which has been known to happen).  So, I lead her in the right direction and she finds relief!  Oh happy day! 

Then it's off the bed again. 

She never remembers these little episodes which I find peculiar but hey, I'm just glad she's no longer just sitting in her bed, wetting it.  That went on for way too long. 

I love these little quirks about each of us (and trust me, we have many).  They make me happy!  These are the little mundane things that I will miss someday. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Treasure!

This is it!  My absolute favorite find... so far, in the boxes of stuff from my parents' house.  I couldn't get the pictures to turn so I'm very sorry if it bothers you to look at a couple of them sideways. 

TROPHY:  Musical spoons!

 Everyone can play...

Even Dad plays his Trophy Musical Spoons when he gets home from work!

Sounds like Mom has a new set of spoons in the kitchen from Trophy Music!

Billy rushes home from school everyday to play his Trophy Musical Spoons!  (...because wouldn't we all if we had a set...)
 The real thing!  Where was this hiding?  I never saw this at my mom's house.  Who plays 'the spoons'? 
Had to share... thought it was funny!

Eating Plan Updates

I guess I should really call this a 'diet' but that is a four-letter word to me that I refuse to use.  It's an eating plan!  A lifestyle we are phasing into. 

So, once again, I won't tell you that we cheated several times too many times or that I ate 9, that's right... 9 Oreo's last night.  If I told you that, you might think less of me.  But come on, my in-laws came over for Sunday dinner this week (since we no longer go to my parents' house :( ) and they brought Oreo's.  Then they left them at our house!!  They are one of my few weaknesses (or many)!  I meant to have them take the devilish food with them but then I forgot, which got me thinking... did I subconciously 'forget' to send them home with my in-laws because I really wanted some?  Or was it purely an accident. 

Anything with sugar is a weakness for me, but Oreo's are a HUGE one!  Not double stuf... Too much 'stuf' in those.....unless you're talking about the mint ones.  Those are divine! 

Anyway, since we were perfect again ;) we were able to shed a few more pounds.  Anthony has lost a total of 11 1/2 pounds as of this morning and I've lost a total of 6.  Darn Oreo's! 

And guess what else we've been doing.  You'll never guess.  I've given in and started **GASP** exercising!  I started last Monday and did my Turbo Jam all the way through to Friday.  Took a weekend break and got back on it yesterday. 

I hate every second of it, just being honest, but I know it's a good thing!  You should join me.  Even Anthony got in on the Turbo Jamming action a couple of times.  He's been running every morning but there were a couple of mornings that it was snowing so he opted NOT to run those mornings. 

Don't tell him I said so but he's not very coordinated.  He's sitting in the same room right now as I type, hope doesn't turn around.  Shhhh! 

One of these times I'm going to update and I'll be able to say that we're both at our goal weights and totally RIPPED!  Ok, maybe not the ripped part but at least somewhat toned. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

It's Official!

We can officially call my family Santa Barbarians!  Or whatever they call themselves there, I'm not sure.  But I like Santa Barbarians so we'll go with that.  It's got a nice ring to it, don't you think?  

This past Friday was our last night with them and my uncle (my mom's brother) was kind enough to host a going away dinner for them.  I would have offered myself but with the mountain of stuff piled up in our kitchen and dining room, I'm pretty sure it would have been a very uncomfortable setting for everyone.  However, you'll be happy to hear that we've now taken two very large loads to the DI.  And we're sifting through the rest of the pile deciding what to do with it.  One last run and we should be in pretty good shape!  I can almost taste the freedom!  Almost. 

As of this past Friday it hadn't yet hit me that they would all be leaving and it would be months before we would get a chance to see them again.  I really thought I would go to my uncle's home and everything would feel normal, and it did for a while.  We ate and visited with everyone staying as late as we felt we could without imposing.  Then the time came to say good-bye.  Even thinking about that moment didn't feel like it would be any different.  We would give them a hug (normal) and say good-bye (normal).  It would just feel like another family get-together. 

My kids went around first giving Grandma and Grandpa hugs, held a lot longer than usual.  And my mom started crying as the kids told her how much they would miss her.  Then they gave Kortney a hug.  Parker was downstairs so he didn't get his hugs yet. 

It was finally my turn to make the rounds.  I started with Kortney.... that's when it got real!  We both sobbed and looked like blubbering idiots, I'm sure.  Then I gave my mom and dad their hugs and it really became real.  I'M AN ORPHAN!  

I then made Parker come upstairs for a photo.  I'm mean like that.  At least he thinks so.  I'm sorry but you've got to have one last picture taken before we're all separated! 

The ride home was full of sobs from the backseat. 

"Why do they have to move to California?  Can't they just get a job in Utah?" 

"I can't believe we won't see them for a long long time!" 

It was a sad ride home. 

But it was a fun get-together for one last shebang!  Below are the pics I got from that night. 

Here's my Daddy-o with B.  B's naked on the top half because he had a slight blow-out... gross!
 This is Kortney with her scary little dog, Mia.  I like to call her Mia Michaels.  Silly as it is, the dog creeps me out.  No, she doesn't bite or even bark.  She's half chinese-crestid (sp?) so she doesn't have much hair and she's got really bad acne.  Acne on a human is one thing.  No problems there.  Acne on a dog is quite another.  I've never pet that dog... EVER!  She's scary!
 Grandma and her three best girls. 
 Grandpa and C.  What a cheeser!
 I had to get a picture of myself with each person going away because.... well, I just did.  Is anyone else only in pictures they take themselves?  Always the camera woman, never the one in the picture. 

I'm pretty sure that this is the best picture of me ever taken.  Yep!  Don't be jealous that you're not this photogenic ;P

 Kortney was worried about her cleavage showing in this one so my mom and I were trying to help her out.  She stood in the cleavage line in heaven.... I definitely did NOT!

 Parker detests pictures.  I am lucky to have snapped this one.  Bad bang day...
 It's so funny to see this photo and realize that all the cute little people in the pic are MINE!  ~Kortney, I just realized that you snuck Mia Michaels into the picture.  Ugh!~
 Grandpa, Uncle Greg (Mom's brother), Aunt Toni (Mom's sister), and my mom.  One brother is missing, he had already left when pictures were taken.  Toni is the aunt that said she'd adopt me. 
 Kortney and I couldn't get a picture we liked so this is what you get.  Kort, you look great!

Now we just can't wait to get out there to visit those Santa Barbarians soon--ish!  Save us a spot at the beach... or by the pool, wichever!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Holy.flippin'.cow!  I'm exhausted already and I'm not even the one that's moving.  Remember a while back I mentioned that my parents are moving to Santa Barbara, CA along with my little bro.  Well, my sister has decided to go along with them.  She's seizing the opportunity to live in a $5 million home... something that NONE of us will probably EVER have the opportunity of seeing, let alone LIVE there! 

Does this make me an orphan?  I'm thinking so.  Anyone want to adopt me? 

Actually, I called my aunt and asked her to.  She accepted, although I haven't yet given her the terms.  Hopefully she'll still sign on the dotted line... ;)

So the next time I see the members of my immediate family, should I expect them to snub me?  Maybe they'll walk right by me with their noses in the air, all snooty-like.  Or maybe they'll just snub the food we like.  They'll be into caviar (is that fish eggs?), calamari (or is that the fish eggs?), veal (I know what that is!), and truffles (still a little confused on that... I know what chocolate truffles are, I'm talking about the TRUFFLE truffles). 

Truffles, what a strange word, no?  Say it with me, tru - ffles... TRUFFLES!  Yep, it's still strange! 

Anyway, they might get all sophisticated-like and such.  That is, until they have to move out of the mansion and into a 'real' home.  $5 million!  Pshhhh!  Who wants to live like that anyway?  Right?  **Raises hand**

But where was I?  Ah, yes!  I was about to tell you our exhaustion!  Poor Anthony's been running ragged trying to move things from my sister's apartment to my mom's house, the DI, and our house.  Then running to my parents' house and running a bunch of stuff back to our house.  That's right, we have accumulated some of their stuff.  And I'm not talking about a little bit of stuff.  I'm talking HUGE amounts of stuff!  Huge... MOUNTAINS of stuff!

Since they are moving so far away, they want to take as little as possible.  Besides, the house they are renting is already furnished... or will be as of this week.  So, my mom is sending almost everything to our house that she knows she isn't taking so that we can go through it and either keep it or take it to the DI ourselves.  When she said she would be sending stuff, I wasn't expecting some of it. 

Mom, if you're reading this, I love you!  Don't get me wrong.  I really appreciate it, I do!  I just wasn't expecting such things as nail files, highlighters (many, many, many highlighters), and other such items.  Although, those things will come in handy! 

So, some of it has been stuff I will definitely keep, others I just don't need but I'm sure someone at the DI will, and some replaces things I already have but hers is better.... and now it's mine.

We've accumulated food, paper clips, highlighters, bookshelves, cabinets, art supplies, a sewing machine, a washer/dryer, a refrigerator, a sofa, a chair, Encyclopedia Britannica set (1982), and everything inbetween.  My house is so chaotic right now!  It's a bit overwhelming but we've already taken a HUGE load to the DI.  I'm sure that there are at least a couple more.  When Anthony took that first load (an overflowing trailer), the men that work at the DI were not thrilled to see him drive up for them to unload the trailer.  What can we say?  It's your job, people!  Sorry!  Besides, Anthony helped. 

Too bad it's winter.  Had this all happened in the spring or summer we could have had a killer yard sale.  But I refuse to hold on to all of it until then.  We're feeling a bit clausterphobic (sp?) at the moment.  We'd like to be able to eat at our kitchen table again... SOON!  It's just not possible at the moment.  I would take a picture of the mountain of stuff but I'm too embarrassed.  Instead, I just blog about it for the everyone to read about.  Makes sense, right? 

That just got me thinking, I hope our realtor doesn't call and want to show our house, at least not for the next several days.  I probably just jinxed myself. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sunday Afternoon

Once upon a time we had a DVD player.  Sadly, it decided to make it's way to DVD player heaven last week.  Normally we don't have a TV in our bedroom but this past Sunday, Anthony's laptop played the role of DVD player..... at the edge of our bed.  Doesn't it look cozy?  Karate Kid, anyone?

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I promise this post is about something other than our new eating plan.  Not because I have nothing to say about it, because I do.  I'm just too embarrassed to talk about it.  

I won't tell you about how we were doing so great and then flubbed it all up, or that we are allowed only one 'cheat meal' per week and we ended up having about 3 (or 4 if you're Anthony).  

What I can tell you is that since we are perfect and have followed the rules to a T, we were able lose a few pounds.  Anthony lost 6 pounds, and I have lost 4.5! 

But wait, this post is about something else, entirely! 

Today was Fast Sunday and, although we forgot to fast, it was a great day! 

Side note:  We have made it on time for church (meaning we made it to Sacrament Meeting) 6 WEEKS IN A ROW!! --- That is if you count the Sacrament Hymn as 'on time'... If you know us at all, you know that this is quite the feat for us.  Thank goodness for 11:00 church.  I think we make it to Sacrament once every 6 weeks when it's at 9:00. 

Anyway, being that it was Fast Sunday, we had our Fast and Testimony Meeting.  That is, by far, my favorite meeting of each month.  I don't know why.  Just one of those things, I suppose. 

As we entered the chapel and sat down, I realized that I had forgotten my lesson book at home for Primary.  Since it was my week to teach, it was kind of an essential item.  I leaned over to Anthony and asked him if he would mind running home to grab it since he usually ends up walking out of the meeting with C anyway, as he is not a huge fan of anything to do with Sacrament Meeting.... except the microphone on the stand.  His idea of sitting still and being quiet involves screaming, haning on the pew in front of us (as though it's a jungle gym), or running up to the front and onto the stand where the bishopric sits.  That's always embarrassing.  I'm sure the whole ward loves to watch as C runs, at full speed, up the aisle with me half speed walking/half jogging to catch him before he reaches the front.  I'm sure it's quite the sight!

After the Sacrament was passed today, Anthony and C made their exit.  They were quick to come back with my lesson book in hand.  What nice boys they are!  

A few testimonies in, many of the people bearing them had birthdays this month (it seems to be the theme of our ward), Anthony very bravely decided to walk up to the front.... with C.... where the mic is.... and bare his testimony!  **Often times, C can be found standing at this very mic, begging to be able to say a prayer... he LOVES that thing**

Anthony was wise to place a disclaimer before beginning his testimony.  He said, "This could get ugly really quick!"  

C quickly wanted down from Anthony's arms and Anthony obliged... he's a brave soul.  

Anthony bore a very strong testimony of how he has recently realized how much his relationship with C is very much like that of his relationship with our Heavenly Father... or should be!  You see, not only is C a major Daddy's boy, he actually idolizes Anthony.  This may sound like an exaggeration but I kid you not!  He observes every.little.thing that Anthony does and tries to do the exact same thing.  He may look more like me but he wants to be exactly like his father.  

I am not allowed to do ANYTHING for him if Anthony is around.  I can't change his diaper, fill his cup, put him to bed, read him a book, get him a pillow, or even touch his toys if Anthony is there.  

Well, as Anthony was bearing his testimony, C decided to walk over to the piano on the stand.  Thank goodness Anthony was able to coax him away before he started playing.  About that time, B was acting up and I had to exit the chapel.  But I heard Anthony finish his testimony about how he knows the Church is true and how grateful he is for the Plan of Salvation.  

It made my heart tingle.  At that moment, my love for him grew even more.  

Then, after he closed his testimony, what did I hear?  

A little C voice!  He bore his testimony too.  It was so sweet, it really was!  Mostly it was just some little kid babble.  But at the very end, I heard Anthony whisper, "In the name of Jesus Christ..."

And C said, "Christ..... AMEN!" 

My love for him grew at that moment as well. 

And then C was done for the rest of the meeting.  He wanted nothing to do with going back to his seat in the overflow area.  It just wasn't going to happen.  But it was great while it lasted! 

At one point, a Sister in our ward got up and said that Anthony had inspired her to bare hers as well.  She spoke about how she watches our family and (I don't remember exactly) thinks that THAT is how it should be.  She's such a sweet sweet woman!  We all love her! 

It was really sweet but I had to laugh a little thinking, Hmmm... if only she knew....  We are far from what the gospel is all about.  We have so much to learn!  But it did feel good to have someone recognize our efforts. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Men Stink!

Men really stink... not just literally as in EW, GROSS (we all know they are stinky, right?). 

We've been at our new eating plan for what, like a whopping 3 days, and so far I've lost a total of zero to half a pound.  So, Anthony decides to see how he's doing.  What number does he pull? 

A whopping 5 pounds!  In three days!?  Not fair, I demand a recount! 

I swear, men just have to think about losing weight and it happens for them.  Just a gripe, that's all. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"More Mooey Peas"

I won't bore you with all the mundane details of our new diet.  Let me just say involves lots of water, lots of water, and lots of fruits and veggies.  For me, getting all the fruits and veggies in is one heck of an undertaking.  I'm much more of a fruit person than a veggie gal but I don't even eat enough of that.  So, the solution is simple....


Sound disgusting?  You'd be surprised!  Half fruit, half veggies (spinach, kale, collard greens, carrots, etc.).  Blend it all up and voila, you've got yourself an original veggie smoothie.  And guess what!  The kids LOVE them!  No joke, it's the truth.  And here's the proof...   
 He asks for more all the time... "More mooey, peas!"  Translation:  More smoothie, please.

One last thing: 

I have never had to use the bathroom so much in my entire life!  The water is the hardest part for me.  Drinking my calories is no longer an issue, however.  That's happy, no?