Wednesday, September 26, 2012


There is definitely not a right or wrong when it comes to choosing a curriculum for your homeschool.  It varies with each family and very often with each child.  I’ve only barely touched the surface with the list below.  We try to integrate both Thomas Jefferson Education and Charlotte Mason methods in our homeschool, neither of which are a ‘curriculum’ in and of itself.  We still choose what books and methods work best for us.  And quite honestly, it changes with circumstances.   

Popular Curriculum Choices:

A Thomas Jefferson Education

-A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver DeMille

-A Thomas Jefferson Education Home Companion by Oliver DeMille, Diann Jeppson, and Rachel DeMille

Charlotte Mason

-Charlotte Mason’s Original Homeschooling Series Vol. 1-6 by Charlotte Mason {These can be read online at}



-A Charlotte Mason Companion: Personal Reflections on the Gentle Art of Learning by Karen Andreola


-Google “Montessori Activities”


-No direction, no structure. Learning is all child directed.

Sonlight Curriculum (Full Boxed Curriculum)


K12 (basically public school online)

-Teacher from school district is involved in checking on progress.

-Absolutely free (including computer)


Five in a Row


Classical Education

-The Well Trained Mind: A Guide to Classical Education At Home by Susan Wise Bauer


Unit Studies

-Just Google “{whatever subject} unit study}”



Betty said...

This is really helpful as I plan to homeschool my daughter and was thinking which curriculum would fit her.

Christina said...

I stumbled upon your blog in my consideration of homeschool. I really loved reading your thoughts on the subject! Thank you so much for sharing!