Monday, August 12, 2013

Something New

I have wanted to learn photography for as long as I can remember.  Cameras have always been an important thing throughout my life but it wasn’t until last year that I finally justified getting a DSLR. 

And there is no looking back now! 

I’m already plotting to get another one (a nicer one!)… probably later rather than sooner, unfortunately.  :(

But for now I am having a blast with the one I’ve got. 

Last week I said something on facebook about wanting Photoshop and lo and behold a friend ran me her old copy of CS2 right over.  She had upgraded and didn’t need it anymore.  And that, my friends, is the beauty of the internet! 

Little did I know that Photoshop has such a learning curve!  I’ve been watching tutorial after tutorial on YouTube, all the while confusing myself even more with all the information that’s trying to fill my little brain.  I only have so many nooks and crannies to fill in that thing.  ;)

And so… a week and half later, I have finally edited my first two photos! 


So, without further ado…


Unedited 1


Edited 2


Unedited 2



I’m tired.  My poor husband has fallen asleep downstairs waiting for me to finish my edits so we can watch a movie.  (It’s been a couple of hours… ;))  Yes, I said a couple of hours… for TWO, count them… TWO photos to be edited. 

I’m pathetic.   

Both pics were taken the same day… within the same hour, within the same 10 minutes… probably more like five minutes.  No, she didn’t change shirts.  It really is the bright yellow color in the first picture.  But I really really LOVE the way the second edit turned out.  The vintage-y feeling of it makes me happy. 

And no, I don’t have a favorite child.  She was just the only one willing to go on a mini session with me. 

Isn’t she beautiful? 

So, now I need feedback.  Any photographers out there with some advice? 

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