So my dad recently brought to my attention, although I really already knew it but never paid much attention to it, how much people use the word "so". Especially in beginning a sentence. Look at my very first sentence, I'm guilty already. I really feel that the way we speak is ever changing with society and the new slang terms, words or phrases that pop up. Wouldn't you agree? It really is funny to me now when I hear someone start a sentence with "so".
"So I went to the store today and......"
"So yesterday my friend and I ....."
"So I totally think that we should......."
So, isn't it kind of funny? What kind of word is "so" anyway? Don't get me wrong. I'm one of the biggest offenders in using "so" to begin a sentence. What would be a more appropriate thing? According to my dad, it would be "henceforth" or "therefore" or "wherefore". But who speaks like that anymore? Who are we, Shakespeare? While those may be more appropriate in definition or more proper I just have to say that would just be really weird. No one speaks like that anymore. Or maybe they do and I just live among the village idiots (like myself) who wouldn't know when to use which one so they just use "so". It works!
Therefore and henceforth, I will still be using "so" to begin my sentences. SO, deal with it!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
just say HELLO!!
I've noticed that in the past week I've had some "out-of-towners" visit my blog. Maybe they really live in the same town I do but for this experiment I'm calling all people that don't know me or have just found my blog "out-of-towners". Just go with it! Grin and nod your head, people.
Please just say hello. I like visitors. Strike that. I LOVE visitors. I'm a people person. I may be shy at first meeting but I love being around people. I think that's why I enjoy blogging. It makes me feel like I'm talking to someone when my husband is at work and there are only children to talk to at my house. Kids are great, don't get me wrong. Some of my favorite conversations happen when I talk to my kids. The silly, off-the-wall, crazy things they say make me laugh! But sometimes it's so nice to have adult conversation. Say things that kids just don't get. That's not to say that I'm well-spoken by any means. I don't consider myself to be well-spoken in the least but I enjoy talking to adults.
Sometimes I think I say more than I need to. Just say hi people. That's all I ask. Thanks!
Please just say hello. I like visitors. Strike that. I LOVE visitors. I'm a people person. I may be shy at first meeting but I love being around people. I think that's why I enjoy blogging. It makes me feel like I'm talking to someone when my husband is at work and there are only children to talk to at my house. Kids are great, don't get me wrong. Some of my favorite conversations happen when I talk to my kids. The silly, off-the-wall, crazy things they say make me laugh! But sometimes it's so nice to have adult conversation. Say things that kids just don't get. That's not to say that I'm well-spoken by any means. I don't consider myself to be well-spoken in the least but I enjoy talking to adults.
Sometimes I think I say more than I need to. Just say hi people. That's all I ask. Thanks!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
as if i need any more stress in my life
Ya know what really stresses me out? I mean really really stresses me out! Wal-Mart!!!!! I think I even have mild panic attacks when I enter. Just looking at the lines and lines of people waiting to check out and I know they'll be waiting for quite a while which means I will have to wait quite a while which means frustration and irritation for me and all others in the line and that means I'm not very nice to the cashier checking me out (ok, I'm nice but I don't want to be) but it doesn't really matter because most of the time they're not very friendly either or they just don't speak the same language that I do and that's ok. And that was a very unnecessarily long run-on sentence. But that's how much stress I feel when embarking on a Wally World adventure. And just the masses of people! Oh my! I feel clausterphobic (sp?).
Today I ended my hiatus. Why? I have no clue! Why do I torture myself? It's been months....really! I think the last time I went to Wal-Mart was about 6 months ago. *sigh* What a grand time I had shopping elsewhere. I love Target. And I love Albertsons, at least the sales. No stress. I can walk in, walk out and be happy. I know Wally World has great prices but sometimes it's just worth it to be able to breathe and get home within an hour of going shopping rather than double that or more.
Oh yes! So why did I go to Wally World today? Because I wanted to price match. Dumb dumb dumb I say! That's just another stress in and of itself. I just saw so many ads with such great prices on such varities of items and thought it was a great idea to head over to Wal-Mart and embark on the adventure. Hello, McFly! (name that movie) Have I mentioned parking as a stress yet? I feel like I have to walk at least half a mile to my car every time I go there. It seems I can never get a spot very close. And as soon as I drove into the parking lot I could feel the tension. How quickly I forget the feelings that emerge from such an adventure.
But fear not! I made it out safe and sound...2 hours later. And I only got about half of what was on my list. The stress was building and I was getting tired of dodging other carts every half second. It was NUTS! So I "made like a bread truck and hauled buns". (name that movie) Know what I mean, Vern? (name that movie)
Just thinking about going back gives me the willies, or would it be the Wallies in this case? At any rate, considering our current situation I think I'll need to make a trip occasionally but it will be modified to some extent. And I think I'll make my husband go with me. Ease my tension a bit. Wish me luck!
Today I ended my hiatus. Why? I have no clue! Why do I torture myself? It's been months....really! I think the last time I went to Wal-Mart was about 6 months ago. *sigh* What a grand time I had shopping elsewhere. I love Target. And I love Albertsons, at least the sales. No stress. I can walk in, walk out and be happy. I know Wally World has great prices but sometimes it's just worth it to be able to breathe and get home within an hour of going shopping rather than double that or more.
Oh yes! So why did I go to Wally World today? Because I wanted to price match. Dumb dumb dumb I say! That's just another stress in and of itself. I just saw so many ads with such great prices on such varities of items and thought it was a great idea to head over to Wal-Mart and embark on the adventure. Hello, McFly! (name that movie) Have I mentioned parking as a stress yet? I feel like I have to walk at least half a mile to my car every time I go there. It seems I can never get a spot very close. And as soon as I drove into the parking lot I could feel the tension. How quickly I forget the feelings that emerge from such an adventure.
But fear not! I made it out safe and sound...2 hours later. And I only got about half of what was on my list. The stress was building and I was getting tired of dodging other carts every half second. It was NUTS! So I "made like a bread truck and hauled buns". (name that movie) Know what I mean, Vern? (name that movie)
Just thinking about going back gives me the willies, or would it be the Wallies in this case? At any rate, considering our current situation I think I'll need to make a trip occasionally but it will be modified to some extent. And I think I'll make my husband go with me. Ease my tension a bit. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Birthday Soup!
Today is my son's birthday. He is the big ONE! I can hardly believe it. Seems like only last week I was high on, what was it, Fentinil?! Obviously I would not make a great doctor. Those darn contractions were coming at me like an angry freight train at full speed. That pitocin makes labor a thousand times worse than natural labor. Now, don't think I did the whole thing natural. OH NO! I'm all about the epidural! I've done it once without (not intentionally), and I don't recommend it to anyone. But that's another post for another day.
Back to this labor, those contractions stunk! And the anesthesiologist was in a c-section and unable to attend to my need for an epidural at the point that I really really wanted one. The nurses told me she'd only be another 20 minutes. 20 minutes, my eye! After a half hour of waiting for the 20 minutes to be over, they asked if I would like Fentinil just to ease the pain until I could get my epidural. Sure! Why not! ANYTHING to help at this point!
NEVER again! Not only did it not ease any of the pain but it made me high as a kite. No joke! I was loopy. Ask anyone in the room. Between contractions I was saying things that made no sense whatsoever while falling asleep at the same time. Not that I had much time for sleeping considering that the contractions were less than a minute apart. At which point, I would yell, "Oh no! Not another one!" They felt just as painful as before. Now I was just incompetent.
Finally, relief! About an hour after waiting for the original 20 minutes to be over, I got my epidural. What a comfort! The anesthesiologist had to pump it all in really fast just to get it to catch up with the pain. It was pretty much go time!
So, I pushed a few times before the doc realized that poor little guy was being strangled by his own cord. He literally had to reach in and break the cord with his hands to get him out. SPLAT! Blood all over the doc! Sorry 'bout that.
When he was finally freed, they laid him on my chest but he wasn't breathing. He kept wincing like he was trying to breathe but never did. My mom, sister, cousin and of course my husband who were all in the room looked like ghosts. They were all very worried. Two whole minutes later, and still not breathing, they whisked him away to resuscitate him. My husband was able to go and be with him during the whole thing. Since there was nothing he could do physically and of course he was scared to death at this point, he threw his hat to the ground and just prayed...the only thing he could think to do at that point. And boy, am I grateful he did!
*My take on things with this weird drug in my system*
So while I complain about being high and loopy, it's probably a good thing I had that in my system. At the point that the doctor laid our first born son (fourth child) on my chest, I realized that he wasn't breathing but through all the loopiness, it didn't register as a problem. I remember looking up at my husband expecting the proud papa look to be on his face but was instead greeted with a ghostly white expression. My sister had her hand covering her mouth, my mom just kept rubbing my leg telling me everything would be alright, and my cousin was just standing in the corner crying. I saw all of this going on but it still didn't register that there was a problem. I couldn't understand why no one was excited. My newborn son had just arrived...HELLO! It wasn't until he was whisked away that it started to register. The medicine was also beginning to wear off at that point so it makes sense, right?
All of my husbands praying paid off. But not before a code blue (or some code) was blared over the intercom. But no one came to the rescue until it blared the second time. Then a nurse, who wasn't even supposed to be on the maternity floor, came and finally got him to breathe! Apparently she was very upset that no one from the maternity floor had come to help. I'm sure glad she showed up. The next step they were talking about was cracking his chest (not open).
*Sigh* And one year later...I'm so glad he's here and I'm so happy to have such a stinker on my hands. He sure is a handful. I think each birthday is another right of passage to some new personality trait. Today has been full of tantrums (which is not so new) but this time with the head whipping to go along with it. You know the kind of head whipping that is good for busting your lip open. Or, if not open, at least a good fat lip which I've had a couple of today.
So now I should probably get back to the real reason for this post. Or at least the part that pertains to the title of this post.
My three and five year olds asked if we could have Birthday Soup tonight for dinner in honor of their little brother's birthday. When I asked them what exactly goes into the making of Birthday Soup, the responses were this...
*three year old*
"Oh, it's just a little honey and some salt and some pepper."
*five year old*
"It has onions and pinados (tomatoes), carrots and celery."
Sounds great, right? I know what I'm having on my next birthday.
Back to this labor, those contractions stunk! And the anesthesiologist was in a c-section and unable to attend to my need for an epidural at the point that I really really wanted one. The nurses told me she'd only be another 20 minutes. 20 minutes, my eye! After a half hour of waiting for the 20 minutes to be over, they asked if I would like Fentinil just to ease the pain until I could get my epidural. Sure! Why not! ANYTHING to help at this point!
NEVER again! Not only did it not ease any of the pain but it made me high as a kite. No joke! I was loopy. Ask anyone in the room. Between contractions I was saying things that made no sense whatsoever while falling asleep at the same time. Not that I had much time for sleeping considering that the contractions were less than a minute apart. At which point, I would yell, "Oh no! Not another one!" They felt just as painful as before. Now I was just incompetent.
Finally, relief! About an hour after waiting for the original 20 minutes to be over, I got my epidural. What a comfort! The anesthesiologist had to pump it all in really fast just to get it to catch up with the pain. It was pretty much go time!
So, I pushed a few times before the doc realized that poor little guy was being strangled by his own cord. He literally had to reach in and break the cord with his hands to get him out. SPLAT! Blood all over the doc! Sorry 'bout that.
When he was finally freed, they laid him on my chest but he wasn't breathing. He kept wincing like he was trying to breathe but never did. My mom, sister, cousin and of course my husband who were all in the room looked like ghosts. They were all very worried. Two whole minutes later, and still not breathing, they whisked him away to resuscitate him. My husband was able to go and be with him during the whole thing. Since there was nothing he could do physically and of course he was scared to death at this point, he threw his hat to the ground and just prayed...the only thing he could think to do at that point. And boy, am I grateful he did!
*My take on things with this weird drug in my system*
So while I complain about being high and loopy, it's probably a good thing I had that in my system. At the point that the doctor laid our first born son (fourth child) on my chest, I realized that he wasn't breathing but through all the loopiness, it didn't register as a problem. I remember looking up at my husband expecting the proud papa look to be on his face but was instead greeted with a ghostly white expression. My sister had her hand covering her mouth, my mom just kept rubbing my leg telling me everything would be alright, and my cousin was just standing in the corner crying. I saw all of this going on but it still didn't register that there was a problem. I couldn't understand why no one was excited. My newborn son had just arrived...HELLO! It wasn't until he was whisked away that it started to register. The medicine was also beginning to wear off at that point so it makes sense, right?
All of my husbands praying paid off. But not before a code blue (or some code) was blared over the intercom. But no one came to the rescue until it blared the second time. Then a nurse, who wasn't even supposed to be on the maternity floor, came and finally got him to breathe! Apparently she was very upset that no one from the maternity floor had come to help. I'm sure glad she showed up. The next step they were talking about was cracking his chest (not open).
*Sigh* And one year later...I'm so glad he's here and I'm so happy to have such a stinker on my hands. He sure is a handful. I think each birthday is another right of passage to some new personality trait. Today has been full of tantrums (which is not so new) but this time with the head whipping to go along with it. You know the kind of head whipping that is good for busting your lip open. Or, if not open, at least a good fat lip which I've had a couple of today.
So now I should probably get back to the real reason for this post. Or at least the part that pertains to the title of this post.
My three and five year olds asked if we could have Birthday Soup tonight for dinner in honor of their little brother's birthday. When I asked them what exactly goes into the making of Birthday Soup, the responses were this...
*three year old*
"Oh, it's just a little honey and some salt and some pepper."
*five year old*
"It has onions and pinados (tomatoes), carrots and celery."
Sounds great, right? I know what I'm having on my next birthday.
Friday, March 20, 2009
What's a girl to do?
My kids have been dying to walk up to the canal that is just up the road from us and feed the ducks and yesterday was a perfect day for such an activity. I think the temperature was close to 70 degrees and it felt great to be outside. I have a friend, a very pregnant friend, that is due on the 24th, who came with us. She wants to go into labor so a nice healthy walk pushing her two boys in a double stroller was just the TRY anyway. Nothing happened, darn it!
Well, I had my glasses with me that I've been wearing for about 2 years now. I've wanted contacts but haven't had the means to get them so I've just been wearing the glasses. Now mind you, my prescription is not very strong, at all (- .75). Most people that put my glasses on think I'm silly for wearing them because they can either tell no difference at all or just a very slight difference. But let me just tell you, it is illegal for me to drive without contacts or glasses. That's how dependent my eyes have become since my senior year of high school when I first got glasses. When I went to renew my license at the age of 21, I thought I would pass the vision test without the glasses being that they are such a light prescription so I took them off. But alas, my eyes failed me. They made me do it again with the glasses on and VOILA!
Sorry about the tangents. I'll now return you to your regularly scheduled blog story...
Anyway, I had my glasses with me but decided it was too bright and took them off to put on my sunglasses. Not prescription and definitely not the most stylish, but I can see well enough without my regular glasses to take a walk. Just no driving. So we made it to the canal without incident. By incident I mean, my friends water breaking or sudden contraction, that sort of thing. We hoped but it wasn't meant to be.
I remember while we were there, noticing that my glasses looked like they were going to fall out of the cup holder on my stroller. And then, I remember rearranging things for the sole purpose of NOT losing my glasses. Then, when we were all done, and by done I mean the kids were getting so close to the edge that it looked like they would fall in and then 2 of them running away by themselves...AAAAAAHHHHH...we walked back to my house, again without incident. Except when I went to trade my sunglasses for my real glasses they weren't there! CRAP!! Now what? I retraced my path all the way back to the canal while my friend watched all the kids, all the while probably fretting that I wouldn't make it back in time for her to go to her doctors appointment that I was supposed to be watching her kids for. I thought for sure I would find them but they were nowhere to be found.
And doesn't it seem appropriate that something like this would happen now? I mean, it's been way over the year that an eye prescription is considered valid which means I have to get another eye exam....$$cha-ching$$....and we have no income right now other than a few side jobs my husband has managed to pick up. Actually, to be honest, I'm surprised our internet connection hasn't been severed yet....hmmm.
But hey! On the upside, I get contacts again! Because now I have to get an eye exam and disposable contacts are much less expensive than buying glasses again. You'd almost think I did it on purpose considering all the whining I've done recently about my glasses. They just didn't fit right anymore with all the kids getting them and trying them on and the baby yanking them right off my face. The best part will be that I will no longer have glasses in pictures...blech!
Well, I had my glasses with me that I've been wearing for about 2 years now. I've wanted contacts but haven't had the means to get them so I've just been wearing the glasses. Now mind you, my prescription is not very strong, at all (- .75). Most people that put my glasses on think I'm silly for wearing them because they can either tell no difference at all or just a very slight difference. But let me just tell you, it is illegal for me to drive without contacts or glasses. That's how dependent my eyes have become since my senior year of high school when I first got glasses. When I went to renew my license at the age of 21, I thought I would pass the vision test without the glasses being that they are such a light prescription so I took them off. But alas, my eyes failed me. They made me do it again with the glasses on and VOILA!
Sorry about the tangents. I'll now return you to your regularly scheduled blog story...
Anyway, I had my glasses with me but decided it was too bright and took them off to put on my sunglasses. Not prescription and definitely not the most stylish, but I can see well enough without my regular glasses to take a walk. Just no driving. So we made it to the canal without incident. By incident I mean, my friends water breaking or sudden contraction, that sort of thing. We hoped but it wasn't meant to be.
I remember while we were there, noticing that my glasses looked like they were going to fall out of the cup holder on my stroller. And then, I remember rearranging things for the sole purpose of NOT losing my glasses. Then, when we were all done, and by done I mean the kids were getting so close to the edge that it looked like they would fall in and then 2 of them running away by themselves...AAAAAAHHHHH...we walked back to my house, again without incident. Except when I went to trade my sunglasses for my real glasses they weren't there! CRAP!! Now what? I retraced my path all the way back to the canal while my friend watched all the kids, all the while probably fretting that I wouldn't make it back in time for her to go to her doctors appointment that I was supposed to be watching her kids for. I thought for sure I would find them but they were nowhere to be found.
And doesn't it seem appropriate that something like this would happen now? I mean, it's been way over the year that an eye prescription is considered valid which means I have to get another eye exam....$$cha-ching$$....and we have no income right now other than a few side jobs my husband has managed to pick up. Actually, to be honest, I'm surprised our internet connection hasn't been severed yet....hmmm.
But hey! On the upside, I get contacts again! Because now I have to get an eye exam and disposable contacts are much less expensive than buying glasses again. You'd almost think I did it on purpose considering all the whining I've done recently about my glasses. They just didn't fit right anymore with all the kids getting them and trying them on and the baby yanking them right off my face. The best part will be that I will no longer have glasses in pictures...blech!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Thanks Patrick Day
My kids are so excited that "Thanks Patrick" Day is coming up on the 17th. I'm not even sure what we're going to Thank him for. But apparently, we need to thank Patrick for, whatever it is that he's done. So this is a shout out to Patrick! "THANKS PATRICK!!"
And who can forget the "apricons". I mean, they're a HUGE part of "Thanks Patrick" Day. You know, the little guys that are "just like regular people but they wear green all the time and they're shorter than us". Good ol' Apricons!!
But seriously, my kids really are excited about St. Patricks Day. They love being able to wear green of all shades that look hideous together just to let everyone know that they can't be pinched. But watch out, if they see you without green you're in for it. They're relentless! I think on those days, THEY are the Apricons.
I've always wanted to have the leprechauns come and leave the kids a treat of some kind. Never have done it because I always think about it too late. It's just not one of those holidays that I remember until it's upon me. Hopefully this year, I'll be a little more prepared. I found a cute little site that has fun coloring pages and such here.
And who can forget the "apricons". I mean, they're a HUGE part of "Thanks Patrick" Day. You know, the little guys that are "just like regular people but they wear green all the time and they're shorter than us". Good ol' Apricons!!
But seriously, my kids really are excited about St. Patricks Day. They love being able to wear green of all shades that look hideous together just to let everyone know that they can't be pinched. But watch out, if they see you without green you're in for it. They're relentless! I think on those days, THEY are the Apricons.
I've always wanted to have the leprechauns come and leave the kids a treat of some kind. Never have done it because I always think about it too late. It's just not one of those holidays that I remember until it's upon me. Hopefully this year, I'll be a little more prepared. I found a cute little site that has fun coloring pages and such here.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I'm a terrible blogger
I know, it's been a while. And I have so much to babble about. But the first thing I want to catch up on here is something that has been on my mind quite often lately. I don't know about you but food storage was not something that I grew up with. My parents never had a room stocked with essential things we would need in case of an "emergency"; food, toiletries, etc. Never had those ever important 72-hour kits, car kits, heck I don't even know if we had a First-Aid Kit. Sure, we had bandaids and neosporin and that kind of thing if we needed them but never a whole kit. At least not to my knowledge.
I've always heard the prophets and apostles talk about needing to get our houses in order and maintaining at least a years supply of food in case we were to ever have an emergency. I always thought that meant if we were to have an earthquake or some other type of natural disaster. Not that there are many here in Utah that can occur. Although, I do remember a time not too long ago that tornados were unheard of here in Utah. But that all changed in, let's see, was it 2000? The times they are a changin'. But that's what I always thought of. Why would we need a years supply of food when the chances of needing it were not that great?
So then I got married, had 4 kids and things are changing all the time. These tough economic times are really hitting so many of us so hard. My family included. It's not been easy recently, that's for sure. Things have been kind of rough for about 2 years now for my little family and we'd also had a few rough spots earlier in our marriage. Not marriage problems, financial problems. Just to clarify. We've definitely not lived it up in the lap of luxury. But I know we're not alone in this and I know that things will probably get worse before they get better. Not for everyone, but as a whole. I still have peace and I know things are going to be okay for my family. But this whole situation has really been a wake up call for us.
We now realize, even though we'd heard it a gazillion times before, that food storage isn't for the natural disasters. I know it would be useful in those situations as well but it's for hard times. Times like this! When we're unemployed or just under-employed.
Food storage has really become my top priority lately. I joined this website called
It has been such a help to me. They charge a very low monthly fee and show you all the deals at the 5 major grocery stores here in Utah and tell you how good of a deal it is in comparison to the LDS Cannery and Costco. How cool is that? The best part for me is NO COUPONS! She doesn't do the coupon thing. Hey, if you're into coupons that's GREAT! I just happen to hate trying to match all the coupons to all the sales and having to find them in the right booklet, etc.
She also has a blog at that has recipes and lots more. I think it's still in transition from the old site so I don't know how much is on the blog yet. But check them out. It's great to know where all the deals are and save so much money. Right now you can sign up for 2 weeks FREE! Can't beat that, right? Not on the blog, on the actual site. Make sense?
OH! She even has an option to do meal plans. It's so great! And the recipes are good. Check it out!
I've always heard the prophets and apostles talk about needing to get our houses in order and maintaining at least a years supply of food in case we were to ever have an emergency. I always thought that meant if we were to have an earthquake or some other type of natural disaster. Not that there are many here in Utah that can occur. Although, I do remember a time not too long ago that tornados were unheard of here in Utah. But that all changed in, let's see, was it 2000? The times they are a changin'. But that's what I always thought of. Why would we need a years supply of food when the chances of needing it were not that great?
So then I got married, had 4 kids and things are changing all the time. These tough economic times are really hitting so many of us so hard. My family included. It's not been easy recently, that's for sure. Things have been kind of rough for about 2 years now for my little family and we'd also had a few rough spots earlier in our marriage. Not marriage problems, financial problems. Just to clarify. We've definitely not lived it up in the lap of luxury. But I know we're not alone in this and I know that things will probably get worse before they get better. Not for everyone, but as a whole. I still have peace and I know things are going to be okay for my family. But this whole situation has really been a wake up call for us.
We now realize, even though we'd heard it a gazillion times before, that food storage isn't for the natural disasters. I know it would be useful in those situations as well but it's for hard times. Times like this! When we're unemployed or just under-employed.
Food storage has really become my top priority lately. I joined this website called
It has been such a help to me. They charge a very low monthly fee and show you all the deals at the 5 major grocery stores here in Utah and tell you how good of a deal it is in comparison to the LDS Cannery and Costco. How cool is that? The best part for me is NO COUPONS! She doesn't do the coupon thing. Hey, if you're into coupons that's GREAT! I just happen to hate trying to match all the coupons to all the sales and having to find them in the right booklet, etc.
She also has a blog at that has recipes and lots more. I think it's still in transition from the old site so I don't know how much is on the blog yet. But check them out. It's great to know where all the deals are and save so much money. Right now you can sign up for 2 weeks FREE! Can't beat that, right? Not on the blog, on the actual site. Make sense?
OH! She even has an option to do meal plans. It's so great! And the recipes are good. Check it out!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Real Life
Ever notice that everyone else's life seems more spectacular, fun and exciting than yours in reading other peoples blogs? I've come to the realization that people don't do "real life" posts. We all talk about our latest and greatest vacations, fun times, funny things kids do and say, our wonderful husbands, or our favorite things. What about real life?
The reality is, their lives aren't better than ours. We just get to read about the fabulous parts of each others lives. Well darnit! I'm ready for some "real life" posts. Don't get me wrong, I still love the amazing adventures and such but what about the dishes that aren't done, the bathroom that needs cleaning, the kids that watch too much TV because mom just needs a half hour to herself.
Well, here it is! My first "real life" post. It's close to 1:30 in the morning and I'm blogging. Why so late? (or early?) Because this is the first minute I've had for myself today. Someone's either been puking because she's obviously sick, peeing her pants because she was too busy playing to take a time out to use a toilet, screaming because he's hungry but won't hold the bottle himself, or pestering me about how bored they are because apparently we don't have nearly enough toys or crayons and coloring books. And yet, I think I could fill a small U-haul with just toys.
I did manage to get the dishes done tonight. That's a huge plus. The bathroom I mentioned; definitely needs a cleaning after all it's been through today. My poor husband just got through being sick, or so we thought. It's back tonight for a second round. Luckily, I haven't had it yet but have definitely played the role of clean-up maid very well the past couple weeks.
Dinner was very late tonight. I think we finally ate our sloppy joes around 9:00. I still haven't wiped the cupboards off. The floor is swept but could certainly use a good mopping. Unfortunately, my dogs decided they would use the mop as a chew toy and I now need a new one.
All day I've been stressing and obsessing over the fact that my gums are receding and I don't know what to do about it. I don't brush aggressively at all and yet, they're receding. I've researched treatment options and don't like what I've found. Seriously, this is what I've stressed about all day long. I'm a worrier to the max, I can't help it. I had no problem finding my way to that line in heaven. My husband thinks it's silly that I'm obsessing over my gums but hey, when you're told they're receding and then in the past couple weeks I've literally watched one do it before my very eyes (and it's right in the front), I can do no less than stress and obsess over it. It's just my nature! If you see me, don't look for it, ok? I'm self concious about it now. And what gets me the most is that my husband brushes pretty aggressively and he prefers the medium bristles and his gums are fine. What's up with that? Did I stand in the "bad gum line"? Oh the drama in my mind.
I was very irritated with my kids today. It's just been one of those days. You know the ones, right? The days that when any of them want to tattle on another or come whining to you for something you just want to cover your ears and close your eyes and yell, "Lalalalalalalala! I can't hear you!!" And it's not their fault, it's just been one of those days. I'm entitled to have those once in a while! Don't worry, I don't say that to my kids. Sometimes I want to but would never do that. Tomorrow will be a less stressed day. I just know it!
This is my "real life" post. Now, go post your own real life post and let me know about it. Leave me a comment letting me know you did, I want to read all about your "real life"! A day in the life of.......YOU! Go on!
The reality is, their lives aren't better than ours. We just get to read about the fabulous parts of each others lives. Well darnit! I'm ready for some "real life" posts. Don't get me wrong, I still love the amazing adventures and such but what about the dishes that aren't done, the bathroom that needs cleaning, the kids that watch too much TV because mom just needs a half hour to herself.
Well, here it is! My first "real life" post. It's close to 1:30 in the morning and I'm blogging. Why so late? (or early?) Because this is the first minute I've had for myself today. Someone's either been puking because she's obviously sick, peeing her pants because she was too busy playing to take a time out to use a toilet, screaming because he's hungry but won't hold the bottle himself, or pestering me about how bored they are because apparently we don't have nearly enough toys or crayons and coloring books. And yet, I think I could fill a small U-haul with just toys.
I did manage to get the dishes done tonight. That's a huge plus. The bathroom I mentioned; definitely needs a cleaning after all it's been through today. My poor husband just got through being sick, or so we thought. It's back tonight for a second round. Luckily, I haven't had it yet but have definitely played the role of clean-up maid very well the past couple weeks.
Dinner was very late tonight. I think we finally ate our sloppy joes around 9:00. I still haven't wiped the cupboards off. The floor is swept but could certainly use a good mopping. Unfortunately, my dogs decided they would use the mop as a chew toy and I now need a new one.
All day I've been stressing and obsessing over the fact that my gums are receding and I don't know what to do about it. I don't brush aggressively at all and yet, they're receding. I've researched treatment options and don't like what I've found. Seriously, this is what I've stressed about all day long. I'm a worrier to the max, I can't help it. I had no problem finding my way to that line in heaven. My husband thinks it's silly that I'm obsessing over my gums but hey, when you're told they're receding and then in the past couple weeks I've literally watched one do it before my very eyes (and it's right in the front), I can do no less than stress and obsess over it. It's just my nature! If you see me, don't look for it, ok? I'm self concious about it now. And what gets me the most is that my husband brushes pretty aggressively and he prefers the medium bristles and his gums are fine. What's up with that? Did I stand in the "bad gum line"? Oh the drama in my mind.
I was very irritated with my kids today. It's just been one of those days. You know the ones, right? The days that when any of them want to tattle on another or come whining to you for something you just want to cover your ears and close your eyes and yell, "Lalalalalalalala! I can't hear you!!" And it's not their fault, it's just been one of those days. I'm entitled to have those once in a while! Don't worry, I don't say that to my kids. Sometimes I want to but would never do that. Tomorrow will be a less stressed day. I just know it!
This is my "real life" post. Now, go post your own real life post and let me know about it. Leave me a comment letting me know you did, I want to read all about your "real life"! A day in the life of.......YOU! Go on!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Please excuse my absence
It's been a rough couple of weeks. Sorry about that! My kids have all been running around with yuckies in their tummies and then spewing the yuckies out. Gross, I know! And then my husband, unfortunately, lost his job so now we're looking for employment. But for now he's working on side jobs and hopefully a new job will pop up soon. Ok, I know they don't just pop up out of nowhere but, well, you know what I mean.
I am happy to report that my kids are now playing in their playroom. It is no longer the Black Hole that it once was. The only things left for me to get out of there is all my scrapbooking stuff. I am moving it all into the office so the playroom can be just that...a playroom. And I'll be right next door in my scrapbook haven. I haven't scrapped for a very long time because my stuff was all covered in more stuff. The Black Hole stuff. But now that it's all taken care of, I can get back to business. Maybe my oldest daughter, who is now seven, should graduate in her scrapbook to something more than a year old! That's how bad I am at keeping up. But soon enough, I'll catch it all up and even the other kids will have a scrapbook soon. I promise!
I am happy to report that my kids are now playing in their playroom. It is no longer the Black Hole that it once was. The only things left for me to get out of there is all my scrapbooking stuff. I am moving it all into the office so the playroom can be just that...a playroom. And I'll be right next door in my scrapbook haven. I haven't scrapped for a very long time because my stuff was all covered in more stuff. The Black Hole stuff. But now that it's all taken care of, I can get back to business. Maybe my oldest daughter, who is now seven, should graduate in her scrapbook to something more than a year old! That's how bad I am at keeping up. But soon enough, I'll catch it all up and even the other kids will have a scrapbook soon. I promise!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Coconut Chicken Nuggets
Last night I made these tasty little nuggets for dinner. I think they are meant to be more of an appetizer but hey, the kids loved 'em! You can never go wrong if you call something a nugget, right? Try them out! I should have taken a picture but didn't think about that.
3 boneless skinless chicken breasts cut into 3/4 inch pieces
2 cups flaked coconut
1 egg
2 T. milk
1/2 cup flour
oil (for deep frying)--who doesn't love that, right?
1 tsp. celery salt
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
Heat 2 inches of oil in pan or fryer to 375 degrees
Chop the coconut in a blender or food processor. Put in a bowl, set aside.
Combine egg and milk in another bowl
Toss chicken in flour then dip in egg mixture then in coconut.
Mix spices together but do not put on chicken yet.
Fry chicken for about 2 minutes on each side. They will be golden brown. (But actually, we liked the ones that were a little darker)
Drain on paper towels and sprinkle with celery salt and garlic powder (Don't think you need this? I'm tellin' ya, it makes all the difference in the world! Use as much as you would like. We didn't use all of it.)
3 boneless skinless chicken breasts cut into 3/4 inch pieces
2 cups flaked coconut
1 egg
2 T. milk
1/2 cup flour
oil (for deep frying)--who doesn't love that, right?
1 tsp. celery salt
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
Heat 2 inches of oil in pan or fryer to 375 degrees
Chop the coconut in a blender or food processor. Put in a bowl, set aside.
Combine egg and milk in another bowl
Toss chicken in flour then dip in egg mixture then in coconut.
Mix spices together but do not put on chicken yet.
Fry chicken for about 2 minutes on each side. They will be golden brown. (But actually, we liked the ones that were a little darker)
Drain on paper towels and sprinkle with celery salt and garlic powder (Don't think you need this? I'm tellin' ya, it makes all the difference in the world! Use as much as you would like. We didn't use all of it.)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
There's a day for THAT?
Probably a lot of us realize that February is Black History Month. If not, where have you been? Well, it's actually a lot easier to tell that it's February in the South. It's a huge thing in the South. While my family was living in South Carolina for a couple of years we always knew it was February! It was promoted on TV, there were lots of commercials and there were calenders being passed out at many major stores.
But besides being Black History Month, did you know that February is also National Sweet Potato Month, or Spunky Old Broads Month. I'm with ya! I had no clue such a month existed!
In addition, did you know that next week is National Jell-O week or that the 11th-17th is Random Acts of Kindness week? Who knew?
Do you know what tomorrow is? It's National Bubble Gum Day. Chew away my friends, and blow lots of big bubbles. Don't feel like going to work on Valentines Day cuz you're depressed and single? Call in single! It's not only Valentine's Day, it's also National Call In Single Day. Kind of interesting eh?
You may be asking yourself why I know this. Here's the link. Just click on the month you want to check out and there are TONS of interesting holidays to discover. My family is going to try and celebrate at least 2 per month. It will be fun to see the kids discover new things. Let me know if you try any of them and tell us what you did to celebrate!
But besides being Black History Month, did you know that February is also National Sweet Potato Month, or Spunky Old Broads Month. I'm with ya! I had no clue such a month existed!
In addition, did you know that next week is National Jell-O week or that the 11th-17th is Random Acts of Kindness week? Who knew?
Do you know what tomorrow is? It's National Bubble Gum Day. Chew away my friends, and blow lots of big bubbles. Don't feel like going to work on Valentines Day cuz you're depressed and single? Call in single! It's not only Valentine's Day, it's also National Call In Single Day. Kind of interesting eh?
You may be asking yourself why I know this. Here's the link. Just click on the month you want to check out and there are TONS of interesting holidays to discover. My family is going to try and celebrate at least 2 per month. It will be fun to see the kids discover new things. Let me know if you try any of them and tell us what you did to celebrate!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Name Monsters
I remember in elementary school making these. I don't remember what grade I was in. Probably a little older than my oldest is now. But I decided to try it with my kids and they loved it! So easy and they're all different.
1- Write your child's name in cursive (it works in print too) on a paper folded in half lengthwise.

2- Cut the outline of the name but be sure not to cut the folded part and open it up. They will look something like this.

3- Let the child choose which way is up and let them color away.

The one on the left is made by a 7 year old, the right by a 5 year old. You could also let them use glue, glitter, pom-poms, yarn or just about anything else you can imagine.
1- Write your child's name in cursive (it works in print too) on a paper folded in half lengthwise.

2- Cut the outline of the name but be sure not to cut the folded part and open it up. They will look something like this.

3- Let the child choose which way is up and let them color away.

The one on the left is made by a 7 year old, the right by a 5 year old. You could also let them use glue, glitter, pom-poms, yarn or just about anything else you can imagine.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Cranberry Chicken
I got this recipe while living in South Carolina. I don't know where the recipe originated but I know it is so good. One of my family's favorites! Even my husband likes it and he doesn't like cranberries. Me? I have an obsession with them! And with only 4 ingredients it's super simple.
1 can of jellied cranberry sauce
1 packet dry onion soup mix (i.e. Lipton)
1 small bottle of Italian salad dressing
6-8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Mix the first 3 ingredients together in a blender. Pour over chicken breasts and cook either in crockpot for a few hours or just in a baking dish in the oven preheated to 375 degrees for about an hour. Serve with rice and of course a veggie of your choice. So yummy!
1 can of jellied cranberry sauce
1 packet dry onion soup mix (i.e. Lipton)
1 small bottle of Italian salad dressing
6-8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Mix the first 3 ingredients together in a blender. Pour over chicken breasts and cook either in crockpot for a few hours or just in a baking dish in the oven preheated to 375 degrees for about an hour. Serve with rice and of course a veggie of your choice. So yummy!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Bean Jar

Find a jar to fill up with beans. Any kind of beans and any size of jar that you prefer. I use pinto beans and a pretty small jar since the beans are so small. Before you begin with the behavior there are a couple things you should do. Fill the jar with beans so that you know how much you need then dump them out into a bowl for easy access. Then decide on a prize for when the Bean Jar gets filled so the kids know what it is they are working toward. We have done everything from go to a movie, have a sleepover in the living room with popcorn and a movie (my kids love this), go out to a museum, etc.
Once the incentive is there, the jar can begin its job! Every time a child does something nice or accomplishes something great they can put beans in the jar. Mom and Dad usually decide how much is appropriate. It's always different. At first they would get beans for being asked to do something and following directions. Now they usually get beans for doing something without being told. They might get beans for clearing their plate after lunch or for just being kind to their siblings. The amount of beans they receive for these things can differ each time. Sometimes sharing a toy is worth 4 beans while the next time it might be worth 7. Whatever you feel is appropriate. A child may even receive beans for accomplishments. When my daughter was learning to tie her shoes she was getting very frustrated. I told her she would get 15 beans if she would keep working at it. She worked all day that day at tying those shoes and by the next morning, she could do it all by herself!
Now remember, this is only a good behavior/accomplishment jar! Don't punish children for bad behavior by taking beans out of the jar. Then it becomes a chore and we want to encourage good behavior! Children may not get excited about it if beans are taken away. This is a team effort! One child's good behavior helps everyone.
I wish I could take credit for this idea but I can't. I got it from an essay I read. The essay is a companion to a book called A Thomas Jefferson Education. Great book! I would recommend it to anyone.
Friday, January 23, 2009
First Thing's First
This blog is dedicated to my craftiness, or lack of it. See, I didn't stand in all the crafty lines in heaven. My mom and my sister did but apparently I couldn't find my way to those same lines. I stood in the EDC line (Extremely Directionally Challenged). I'm positive I tried to find the craft lines because I LOVE crafting and such but after standing in the EDC line, I could no longer navigate my way to the lines I wanted to be in. So, while crafting comes easily and is just a gift for some like my sister and mom, I have to really work at it.
Plus, I have the added benefit of being a 90%-er. You know those people that start a project and get 90% done and then they quit? Yeah, that's me! I have scrapbook pages finished....with no pictures; taught myself to knit and knitted many coasters (actually the same one over and over again), I never learned to end it; made a Christmas wall hanging about 4 years ago, never got the sides sewn up...the list goes on and on. So I am hoping that this blog will inspire me and help me to tackle the projects I want to try/finish.
I find so many fun things online, in books, boutiques, etc. that I am too intimidated to try. Well, no more! It is my New Year's Resolution. Don't be afraid to try! Besides, I've always wanted to start a blog that could inspire others as well. I will post ideas, thoughts, traditions, reviews, recipes, tips, and much more. I hope you can find something that will inspire you to try something new. Leave me a comment to let me know you stopped by. I know there's not much here yet, just wait! There will be LOTS to see and do. Please check in often. You never know what you may be missing out on...
Plus, I have the added benefit of being a 90%-er. You know those people that start a project and get 90% done and then they quit? Yeah, that's me! I have scrapbook pages finished....with no pictures; taught myself to knit and knitted many coasters (actually the same one over and over again), I never learned to end it; made a Christmas wall hanging about 4 years ago, never got the sides sewn up...the list goes on and on. So I am hoping that this blog will inspire me and help me to tackle the projects I want to try/finish.
I find so many fun things online, in books, boutiques, etc. that I am too intimidated to try. Well, no more! It is my New Year's Resolution. Don't be afraid to try! Besides, I've always wanted to start a blog that could inspire others as well. I will post ideas, thoughts, traditions, reviews, recipes, tips, and much more. I hope you can find something that will inspire you to try something new. Leave me a comment to let me know you stopped by. I know there's not much here yet, just wait! There will be LOTS to see and do. Please check in often. You never know what you may be missing out on...
my family,
random babblings,
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